Thursday, March 31, 2011
Future Weapons of Interest
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sniper Design 2011-03-29
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Achievement Pt2
This is the problem with the G36C that needs ammended.
This is the G36C in a timer-photo shoot.
This is the AK I need to remedy with the scope mount so I can aim it accurately.
This is the M4 I intend to put a holograph on so that I can aim it with either hand, or just be able to shoot it at targets more accurately in the first goddamn place.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Mosin Nagant 1893/30 & SVT-40
Mosin Nagant 1891/30, a combat rifle made by the Soviet Union and given to ever other soldier who would rush the shore of Stalingrad. The first man got shot, the second man picked up that rifle and use the stripper clip he was given to fight. Very similar to Call of Duty. They had to get that info from somebody, and chances are they found one or two surviving reds from that day and asked "what the hell happened?" or "why were there so many russians with pistol rounds in the back of their heads?"
If a scope was put on this, it was probably one of the best sniper rifles the Soviet Union ever put out before they realized that semi-auto is the way to go and built the Dragunov SVD, SVDk and SVU. This is probably one of the cooler rifles, though you dont have to pay a thousand for it. they have the shorter versions of this rifle for half the price. For airsoft, the shorter versions are probably better.
the SVT-40 happens to be a rifle not issued to the entire Soviet Army. it was kinda complex.
I haven't located an airsoft version yet, but when I do I'll post it.
Monday, March 21, 2011
I will name most of it by its counterpart name, not what the company called it to save time with copyright.
Eotech 552 replica. this is something I have been needing for a long time. it will go with my M4 and have this appearance
I ordered an M16A2 flash hider for my G36C, so now it will have some sort of look like this
this was the cheapest way.
my AKS-74U will get a scope mount. that means that I can finally aim it. since the front iron sights are shit, and the front end is wobbly, I must use a red dot in hopes of hitting anything at all!
how did I get this? well, a video is being produced to tell the story. stay tuned!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Lots of Firepower!!
there are a couple ways to carry a huge gigantic overload of ammo.
This is one of the current ways to do it. the FN MINIMI (M249 SAW) is the current US Army support weapon. The reason we use it is because its lighter than an M60 (weapon and ammo) and its easier to control and aim for some people. I personally prefer to have one of each (though different variations).
Here you can see clearly a better way to carry a bullet sprayer. The shorter barrel, the aiming aid and the shortening stock reduces the weight and allows for better moving and if needed, stowing of the weapon for use at another time. Or it helps when its in the car I can put it in my trunk better.
This is something I would carry often if I had one. This is either an M60E3 or by military terms a Mk43. This might not be optic friendly but it can do much damage and level the play field.
the best way to make this do what you need it to do is simple, yet not so simple.
for an indoor which for the purpose of this blog will be the M249 SWP it will look something like this.
I'd not be so inclined to put an optic on it for CQB since its more of a generalized spray it all over the fucking place. a 6.04mm barrel and a 80 spring would work nice, and then a 9.6v battery will help me spend my ammunition. If I went with an optic, it would be something simple like a red dot. Maybe a 2x red dot since it can fire farther away and spend more ammo.
For a field LMG, it will likely be a Mk43 with a 6.03mm barrel and a 100 spring with an 11.1v lipoly battery and a super badass mosfet or resettable fuse.
Some cannot go with this option. so there is a cheaper alternative.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Shanghai Days
Assault Rifles
These are your best option. Even though this game takes place in the chinese underground, weapons are really well available for the right price.
The Type 95 by Norinco is probably the best available chinese technology. It uses the 5.8mm projectile which is abundant here in the PRC. Reloading this for me is easy. I am able to utilize AK training to work the mag. Having a scope on this rifle helps. Not having a scope can be nice for certain environments. I can fuck shit up either way. This is perhaps a fun way show the Shanghai SWAT that I am a Bacholers in Mother Fuckery.
I utilize this as the weapon I fight my way through police with, or for when my magnum or SMG is done doing the job. This is a good weapon because it has good stopping power paired with control and accuracy. I often just fire one or two shots at the chest with this, usually the second rises to the head. But two in the chest kills from the distances I find myself engaging.
This Serb piece of shit is your default weapon. Get good at this weapon because you always play round one with it. The stock does not extend or unfold. That is the biggest wrong in my eyes. it has decent power to drop someone up close, but I do not keep this rifle after I have unlocked or can afford more weapons.
This thing almost looks purple! and its a bad motherfucker! oh yeah, the 7.62x39mm raw power of this rifle managed to make me happy once I paid for a special download that let me buy it. its an early unlock, but it pisses me off that I have to pay more for a game I already bought. But it was cheap kinda, so I decided to get the expansions and stop bickering.
I use this for the first minute of most raids. Often times when I am going after people who are up close, I take this because I know it will kill them if I hit them and if I dont hit them its ok. I know that I didnt waste ammo for a more valuable weapon.
AK-74M... they call this a chinese rifle in the game. they might be right. Maybe the "Kaliningrad 74" is theirs and I am an idiot. I hate the copyright fears. Izmash and Kalashnikov are not going to sue, they might thank you for the unneeded publicity.
I used this alot in the beginning as its the first unlock I had that I was allowed to use. it has minimal recoil on full auto so its good for fighting at a distance against the police or against criminals themselves. I take out goons with it too, but often its with barrel blasts. Its a really good weapon to carry because the police responders carry it. This means that there is always ammo for it.
the FN SCAR-H is a good rifle. its also nice when you have the SV. I would personally like to see a scope on this, since I enjoy firing from a distance with this weapon. I can also fight up close since it has the stopping power to kill fast in blind fire. I pair this with a type 95 sometimes, and other times I'll pair it with an SMG or a shotgun. A few times I have paired it with the .357 at the airport and used this once I had my special position up in a high corner.
This is a nice pistol up close against fewer than 3 enemies. Two shots for each person, then a reload. When you are in a hurry to kill one or two people, this is your friend. One shot in the center of the chest will slam them to the ground and they wont squirm to their feet. They will FUCKING DIE! and when you're in the moment, and running from cover to cover, or perhaps when you have that really cool type 95 that I will mention about twelve more times before the end of this post and its mag runs out, this is good to switch to and blow a hole in the crown (skull) of the fucking bastard who's got you down on the ground scrambling to get away because with two million in your duffel its not a good time to die to the hands of the police, the fishermen you just stole diamonds from, security guards for a power plant on the 200th floor, or the idiots who are carrying only $560,000 in their bags.
the Taurus Judge is a shotgun. It is also a revolver. This is a shotgun revolver talked about in magazines and such. It is a good compact carry outside of california. then again, I want it just for cali if I ever go back to that shithole. its not as powerful as you'd think. its not a 12 guage. more like a .410 guage.
I have not unlocked this yet, as it requires Rank 1: Mastermind. I am right now a Rank 2. That means I have a shotgun and a pistol left to unlock.
the desert eagle is a showcase. its powerful and faster reloading than a revolver, but I dont often carry a pistol. so I wont review this.
yeah, an "american pistol" of course. its not a military weapon yet. shows you what Eidos and IOI knows. its a cop gun. its nice. but I dont need a tan gun here, because its a city not a desert. But to be cool like most idiots out there, pair it with the SCAR H.
this is the SIG SAUER. either the person they claim they got it from was a fairy, or a girl, or perhaps they dont like SIG. I have used this a couple times, its actually not bad.
this was a download. I have not yet tested it. I might ammend this post if I test this. its a russian pistol from the pre-cold war.
this is an american/italian pistol with a supressor. I used this alot in the last level of the single player story mode. Other than that, its not very useful.
this is the pistol you start out with. I dont use it. I put a picture of the suppressed one here because I can.
this is an overpriced modified sporting carbine converted to full auto by the "fuck cali" commission. actually, it was made an automatic by the game because they thought it looked cool but didnt know that this is for civilians who like HK but are not allowed automatic weapons.
this is the H&K UMP45. it can come with a suppressor. I'd rather have it with a red dot or something, but I am the only tactical person in this fucking raid. I have used this a few times. its pretty nice. its high quality.
This is the Type 95's younger brother. the Type 05 comes in 2 calibers. Fuck you if you think the game knows that. I use the suppressed one (if I use it) because it took a while to unlock and I am not gonna revert to older stuff.
These 3 are spatter guns. They dont have a point you aim at, they have a spreading circle like the shotguns do. they are fucking useless.
these are only for close up shots. People who are close enough to kiss are close enough to pump in the chest.
This is the same shotgun. The smaller one is the illegally modified one. sawnoff barrels on shotguns seem to make people feel cool. it does NOT MAKE YOU FUCKING COOL TO DESTROY A WEAPON!! it does make you cool however to use the right weapon correctly. The smaller one is the first one available for purchase. the other one is 2 unlocks later.
This is an american shotgun. this is a good shotgun. it has a bigger capacity than others.
This one is a European shotgun though it lists itself as american because people are idiots. it performs just a stint above the 870.
This one is italian. its a good shotgun but I have not had a good experience with it yet. it makes a cooler sound, thats all. it was built on purpose in italy for tactical use. its not like the 870 which is a civilian shotgun that was later converted into a combat weapon.
thank you for reading.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Special Forces Carbines & Rifles
I no longer have an optic on it. I need to get a holographic sight. the reason for this is the low quality of my left eye. with my left eye only, the world looks like this to me.
see, its not a happy thing. so when I try to aim iron sights with my left eye its useless. so dont ask me to. I will turn and hit you in the face because you have been fucking warned. dont be a retard or I will lose my temper.
If I am aiming with both eyes open and sighting my left eye through a holograph or a red dot, I can aim it successfully and hit targets out to 100meters.
in case you care, this is one of my dearest friends. when I had a team, he was my 2nd. if I had more people and a better leadership style, he would have been in command directly of 80% of those forces because he has a better understanding of wide battlefield command. I am just a simple minded commando; I like to tear shit up with about 2 or 3 other guys following me.
I am New Age American. I have been raised with TOLERANCE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE beaten into me. accepting new ideas is not an option, it is required. at least listening to a shitty plan to see if there is anything useful is a key to life. the differences in people must be valued and shit like that.
He is Old School American. kick the enemy ass, do as you are told, if something is wrong then it is wrong, if its from the enemy it is wrong, I dont want that AK shit in my hands unless I stole it from charlie!
put the two together, you get a sitcom.
my reason for pointing out this difference? has to do with my AK post earlier. yeah, its not good on a guy like him who has bad memories of training. when I went to "Basic Combat Training" at Fort Knox Kentucky, I was taught that the enemy was arab speaking and religiously hateful of me sometimes.
when he went to "Boot Camp" at Paris Island, it was "Russians are the enemy, and if they aren't the enemy they gave the enemy weapons and are bad for doing so!" also "if the russians didnt do it, the chinese did!" so an AK for him is not a happy subject.
so I feel it ok to put his image in this subject since it is about weapons designed to be as reliable as the AK but be American Made (or designed with our help, then designed elsewhere and built here).
here are the models I would consider in the future besides an M4, since that is in another subject.
FN SCAR L (Mk16).
this is something I would not exactly get myself unless it was cheap. I'd suggest it for others, and even help my friend get it one day.
it comes in Tan or Black. For its purpose, I highly suggest getting it in tan.
the EGLM is also a good touch. in airsoft, its more like a big shotgun blast. but its useful sometimes.
FN SCAR H (Mk17)
This is more my style. the 7.62x51mm round is much better in my opinion because of its stopping power. yes, airsoft always shoots the 6mm BB but its how I feel when shooting it that matters.
I would want a pair of this if I could afford it... the CQC model and the SV model. the CQC I would have at 310fps with a tightbore for indoor combat. the SV I would have at 390fps with a tightbore for shooting far away on full auto with a good optic. The CQC model, I would get in black. the SV I'd make sure to keep in tan.
Masada ACR
this one is done nicely, and I would get this in NATO configuration and in OD. I'd have this set for an indoor velocity with a tightbore so that I can use it inside and outside in all places.
Heckler & Koch HK416
I'd need this one because its closest to an M4/M16. I'd want it to have the 16 inch barrel with the clubfoot stock. It means that I can put a longer tightbore in it and sharpshoot with it. its kinda heavy, which is why I dont push for older folks to use it unless they like all the rails.
these are the modern day special forces models that get my attention and I want and or recommend.